Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Some fan art for Andrew Ross Maclean's amazing book, I couldn't help myself. Love, Love this book.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sketches and Scans

HellBizzle copyright Mike Mignola

Hello, long time, No Post. Been busy, scanner broke, changed jobs, went through some things, but all that matters is the ART. Been sketching my little heart out lately with my new Kuretake brush pens and having a blast using traditional media again. 

My plan was to do a bunch of these character portraits on chipboard and try to sell them at the Vermont Comic Con, or failing that, the DOPE ASS comic store that I work at.

I like the look well enough, but by far the biggest problem for me is figuring out what to charge. This one came out surprisingly fast, so charging by the hour seems weird, and I know chip-board is a terrible, garbage-grade acidic surface so they'll probably disintegrate if you look at them funny so they shouldn't be too expensive. But I did use up a ton of ink and for all I know, the next ones might take forever to draw.

 Anyway, here's some more sketches that I did when I was supposed to be working:

Rogue Pooper copyright some Stiff Upper Lip folks at 2000AD

Who those 2 guys up above are is pretty obvious, but this next guy is kind of obscure. I doodled him up on some cheap scrap paper when I was waiting for lunch with my girlfriend after reading Zander Cannon's awesome graphic novel, "HECK"

Elliot the Mummy who like sammiches copyright Zander Cannonfodder

So for both of those sketches (they are probably 3x4 inches, max) I just tried to draw really really fast with the brush pen, no pencil and no reference. I think the drills are paying off, even if I fuck up here and there with some things like Rogue Trooper's arm muscles and back pack straps, the text, etc.. Especially since they are essentially throw away drawings made simply to practice and build up my mad drawing skills.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Character Commish

Drake for Matt! Thanks Matt!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fighter Dude

So in the interest of keeping my skills sharp, I found some more pencils on my hard drive by the one and only Inkthinker to practice on. I took some liberties, and so I'll include his original pencils with the inks for comparison.

Click on the images to see them much bigger, then right click and hit "view image." Some details are lost in the thumbnails, and the line work is much more apparent when you look at them that way.

Original pencils by Inkthinker:

Inks by me:

and some simple colors:

Monday, August 4, 2014


Trying something new. This is a rough sketch of a strange, alien-like race that I'm in the process of designing. They have some psychic ability, 4 arms and are very good with technology. This guy's name is Argus, and he's not very representative of his people. He's an outcast and loner, cut off from the hive mind the other Shepards enjoy. 


Had a chance to throw some quick colors down!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cthulhu + Cherubs?

So yeah, that was the idea behind this. Wanted to merge cutesy depictions of Cherubs with the hellfire and soul suck that is the Mighty Cthulhu. This isn't rocket science, folks.

 Drew this years ag when I was in college, but the coloring job was rushed and super, mega, uber shitty. SO I SAID FUCKIT and redid them yesterday when I had a minute. I think they are much simpler and effective now, and guess what? If you dig this design you can buy it (and many others) at my redbubble.com site, just hit the link.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Belkar BitterLeaf.

Decided to practice my inking skills and drop something down on this here blog at the same time.

The guy up above is called Belkar Bitterleaf,  and he is my favorite homicidal hobbit from the great webcomic The Order of the Stick.
The pencils were drawn a long long time ago in a Tampa Bay Florida far far away by a fantastic illustrator that I am proud to have had occasional correspondence with, Ben Mcsweeney, more popularly known as Inkthinker.

The guy is definitely very good, and everyone needs to check out his stuff.

Gonna try to update more often, draw more often, excel more often. Wish me luck :)