Sunday, June 27, 2010


This time I have some more fan art for you. I haven't actually read a Tick comic that I can recall, but my good friend Steven loves em. I wanted to do something cool for his birthday because, frankly, I've been a bit of a dick lately. I'm horrible at returning phonecalls, and because I've been so busy lately I keep forgetting to hit this guy back. So Steve, if you read this, I love you man. And Happy Birfday.

More Creepy Stuff!

Ok, so maybe not so creepy as the others, but still. This guy is the last of the 3 commissions that I had to finish up last week. I've been crazy busy, participating in all sorts of MANLY MAN STUFF like building ramps, painting houses and helping my Father with some plumbing so it took me a lot longer to get to the end point on this one. There are lots of things that I wish that I had done differently with these pieces, that of course only come to me now that they are over. Live and learn though, I'll be sure to incorporate those things in my next works.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Creepy Stuff!

Hey guys, I'm happy to say that I've got something new to show. I was recently commissioned to help a friend develop some Character Illustrations for his upcoming RPG offering. I'm having a lot of fun doing this kind of stuff, so I hope that I get more of this in the future. Please check it out, and lemme know what you think!

This guy is supposed to be about the size of a large dog. Really, really creepy, but I had an absolute blast drawing him.

This guy is supposed to be an enforcer of sorts, usually found with one or two of the Abstractions (hand guys) running around with him. He's got multiple faces, and arms, but no legs. It was awesome designing his costume, and I had a lot of fun with the jacket and hat.